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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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Search Results
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A search for 'Moving Music' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in labels:
  1. Mon Colonel (Naive K1626)
    Original Release Title: Moving Music
  2. Faute à Fidel!, La (Naive K1626)
    Original Release Title: Moving Music
  3. Fenton - Delerue : A Film Music Celebration (Debonair Records CDDEB 1014)
    This CD is also available with the book "Moving Music" published by Lannoo (Belgium) in 2003 UPN 9789020954272

11 matches in composers
  1. Classical Music
  2. K.M. Conservatory of Music
  3. Geek Music
  4. Matter Music
  5. Water Music
  6. Orange Music
  7. Music groups Mastodon
  8. John Hardy Music
  9. Music group BORIS
  10. New World Music Performance Group
  11. Bandai Namco Game Music

2 matches in label numbers
  1. Moving Music MM01
    Himmel Og Helvete
  2. Moving Picture Music MPM 41404
    Yonkers Joe

20076 matches in tracks
  1. Moving Through Time (06:41)
    from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
    Instrumental, (Music: Angelo Badalamenti)
  2. Fast Moving Target Moving In From The North West (03:54)
    from Invasion: Earth
  3. Moving (04:37)
    from Studio Ghibli Collection
    Howl's Moving Castle
  4. Moving (00:00)
    from Studio Ghibli Collection
    Howl's Moving Castle
  5. Moving Castle (04:00)
    from Studio Ghibli Collection
    Howl's Moving Castle
  6. Deck 15 (01:41)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  7. Two Captains (01:33)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  8. You wanna get rid of me* (02:43)
    from Dove Vai In Vacanza?
    (*) music by Piero Piccioni(**) music by Ennio Morricone(***) music by F. Frizzi - F. Bixio - V. Tempera
  9. To Live Forever (02:43)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  10. Kirk's Death (02:46)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  11. Main Title (02:54)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  12. The Enterprise B*/Kirk Saves The Day (03:14)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.) / *contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  13. Bajor/Jake/Saying Goodbye* (01:45)
    from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    Dennis McCarthy (Addax Music Co. Inc.) / *contains music composed by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  14. Epilogue (04:39)
    from Schatten Der Zeit
    * Music by Debajyoti Mishra Lyrics by Amit Kumar / Florian Gallenberger** Music by Werner Tautz*** Music by Heinz Kiessling
  15. Star Trek Generations Overture (04:15)
    from Star Trek: Generations
    Dennis McCarthy (Famous Music Corp.), contains music by Alexander Courage (Bruin Music Company)
  16. Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
    from Charlie Chaplin - The Complete Soundtracks
  17. Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
    from City Lights
  18. Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
    from Modern Times
  19. Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
    from Gold Rush, The
  20. Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
    from Great Dictator, The
Show all 20076 matching tracks